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Copper Washer Briolette Earrings Tutorial

Copper Washer Briolette Earrings are easybto make if you know how to punch a hole in metal. You can replace the Briolette with other beads of your choice too. #@regaliabyreyney #reyneypoojary #wirewrappingjewelrytutorials #wirewrappingbasics #earrings #earringsforweddings #earringsoftheday #copperearringshandmade #freejewelrytutorial #jewelrymaking #jewellerydesigner #jewellerydesign  File the edges of the hole cleanly with a file and Steel Wool.

Free Jewelry Tutorial for a Spiral Wire Wrapped Bracelet

Free Jewelry Tutorial for a Spiral Wire Wrapped Bracelet made from pure copper wire. This artistic beauty is so magical looking. Had a difficult time clicking the photos while making it and then adding instructions as seen fit... #regaliabyreyney #wirewrapbracelet #wirewrapping #freejewelrytutorial #diy #copperjewelry #copperbracelet #jewelrylover #jewelrydesign #handmadegiftsarethebest #madeinindia #worldartcommunity #copper #reyneypoojary 

