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Copper Washer Briolette Earrings Tutorial

Copper Washer Briolette Earrings are easybto make if you know how to punch a hole in metal. You can replace the Briolette with other beads of your choice too. #@regaliabyreyney #reyneypoojary #wirewrappingjewelrytutorials #wirewrappingbasics #earrings #earringsforweddings #earringsoftheday #copperearringshandmade #freejewelrytutorial #jewelrymaking #jewellerydesigner #jewellerydesign  File the edges of the hole cleanly with a file and Steel Wool.

Wire Wrap Pearl Branch Pendant Tutorial


Wire Wrap Pearl Branch Pendant that can be turned into a bracelet charm or even earrings if made in a pair...
This is a beginner friendly tutorial to understand how to make wire wrap branches and if you floor this pattern, you can make hair bands. Enjoy the tutorial and send in your comments to help me improve.

Wire Wrap Crystal Branch Pendant that can be 
turned into a bracelet charm too.

There is a good lesson to remember in this tutorial, 
that wires need to be handled gently. 

One of the wires broke while twisting so I could not add any more crystals. 
I then had to improvise by just wrapping the single wire around 
the branches to make a new design.
I have used this technique many times before.
Hope you like and use this tip too.

Your comments and queries are welcome.
