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Copper Washer Briolette Earrings Tutorial

Copper Washer Briolette Earrings are easybto make if you know how to punch a hole in metal. You can replace the Briolette with other beads of your choice too. #@regaliabyreyney #reyneypoojary #wirewrappingjewelrytutorials #wirewrappingbasics #earrings #earringsforweddings #earringsoftheday #copperearringshandmade #freejewelrytutorial #jewelrymaking #jewellerydesigner #jewellerydesign  File the edges of the hole cleanly with a file and Steel Wool.

DIY Wire Wrap Bracelet Tutorial

DiY Wire Wrap Bracelet Tutorial that looks so intricate, but is very light on the wrists.
It's an intermediate tutorial because it needs some experience on handling weave wire. 

I have also posted an video on the same to understand better.

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