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Copper Washer Briolette Earrings Tutorial

Copper Washer Briolette Earrings are easybto make if you know how to punch a hole in metal. You can replace the Briolette with other beads of your choice too. #@regaliabyreyney #reyneypoojary #wirewrappingjewelrytutorials #wirewrappingbasics #earrings #earringsforweddings #earringsoftheday #copperearringshandmade #freejewelrytutorial #jewelrymaking #jewellerydesigner #jewellerydesign  File the edges of the hole cleanly with a file and Steel Wool.

Easy Diy Wire Wrap Heart Charms and how to use them

Got a lot of reminders for Valentine’s Day and the need for wire wrapping hearts and so here is a exclusive tutorial for Little heart chainlinks and how to make earrings and necklace using the same this Valentines year.  #regaliabyreyney #reyneypoojary #freejewelrytutorials #freejewelrytutorial #hearts #jewelrydesigner #JewelryMakingTips #wirewrapping #diyjewelry #jewelrymaker #valentinesday

